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Can Hamsters Eat Crickets? Vet Approved Facts & Nutrition Tips

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Disclaimer: Before changing your hamster’s diet or introducing new ingredients or supplements that they haven’t eaten before, especially when it comes to human food, make sure to consult your veterinarian first. Every animal is different and requires an individual approach to nutrition, depending on their age, health, level of activity, and medical history. The guidelines offered in our article have been fact-checked and approved by a veterinarian but should be used as a mere guide on food safety, rather than an individual nutrition plan.

If you’re used to buying your hamster a premade bag of commercial food, you might not understand the exciting variety of items you could put on their menu. In addition to fruits and vegetables, how about insects such as crickets?

Hamsters are omnivorous little creatures that delight in animal and plant products. Crickets are no exception. Hamsters can absolutely indulge in crickets. In fact, if you haven’t added crickets to your list of hammy snacks, it’s a perfect time to start!


Hamsters Are Omnivores

One thing you might not know about a hamster is that they are omnivores. After all, you’re simply dishing out a couple of premade pellets in their dish every day and not live animals or insects—so, it’s easy to forget!

Being omnivorous means that hamsters rely on a diet supplemented with protein sources. You can add some insects, including crickets, to your rotation of hamster treats but keep in mind, as always, too much can be a problem. Store bought insects are preferred over wild ones to avoid contaminants.

Do Hamsters Like Crickets?

Hamsters will generally like crickets very much, but this can vary based on the individual. Some will come running up to their cage for a cricket while others may not like the taste.

a bowl of edible dried crickets
Image Credit: Sophie Sparks Photography, Shutterstock


Benefits of Crickets for Hamsters

Crickets are full of nutritious goodness for your hammy. Here are the perks of adding these little hopping insects to the menu.


Crickets have quite a plentiful bounty of protein, which can add to your hamster’s health. On average, 15-25% of your hamster’s diet should consist of protein. It works to promote muscle mass and healthy body functions.


Your hamster will get a boost of energy from eating high-protein snacks like crickets. Crickets contain amino, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids for an authentic meal!


Crickets contain a large amount of fiber which helps your hamster’s system run smoothly. It aids in digestion, ensuring the gut flora stays balanced, and your little hammy is passing enough waste.

Vitamins and Minerals

Crickets contain valuable vitamins and minerals like potassium, magnesium, copper, folic acid, riboflavin, and biotin.



Downfalls of Crickets for Hamsters

Even though hamsters are nutritious and desirable for your hamster, there are some things to consider. Here are a few risks or negatives, but luckily, they’re preventable.

Live Crickets Can Bite

Live crickets can damage your hamster if they really want to. While your hammy certainly has the upper hand in the situation, that doesn’t mean the cricket won’t try to defend themselves.

Since hamsters can shove so much food inside their cheeks, a live cricket wouldn’t really be something you’d want them to stow there.

Potential Choking Hazard

Crickets can be pretty big sometimes. Depending on the size of your hamster, a cricket could just be a big choking hazard. If you feel the cricket is large for your hammy, try to piece it apart before serving.

close up of a cute hamster
Image Credit: mordilla-net, Pixabay


How to Serve Crickets to Your Hamster

You can serve a hamster crickets in a few different ways. Your hamster might have a preference, or you could have some concerns about feeding them live insects. Here’s a little bit about each method of serving crickets to your hamster.

Dried Crickets

Dried crickets are already dead, so not only can the cricket not bite your hammy or struggle, but you won’t have to do any of the work to prepare them.

Your hamster may love munching down on them, but they could easily get lodged in the cheek pouches because of the dryness. This could lead to cheek pouch impaction and infections.

Rehydrated Crickets

Instead of feeding your hamster dried crickets, you can always add a little water so they can soak up some extra moisture. This allows the cricket to soften, which makes it easier to swallow.

Live Crickets

Live crickets are one of the healthiest ways to serve crickets to your hamster. That is because all of the nutrients are still intact.

However, crickets can bite hamsters, which can lead to injury. It’s always best to end the cricket’s life before you place it in the cage with your hamster. This way, no harm can come to your hamster, and the cricket won’t die gruesomely. It’s a win for everybody.

house crickets
Image Credit: Vladimir Wrangel, Shutterstock


How Many Crickets Can Hamsters Eat?

The number of crickets you feed your hamster should be carefully determined based on their size and dietary needs. It’s most appropriate to ask a veterinarian or other professional for guidance based on your personal circumstances.

However, a dwarf hamster, for example, will eat fewer crickets than a teddy bear hamster.

Too many crickets can lead to weight gain and obesity due to their high protein and fat content.

It would be best to remember that crickets are a supplemental food to add to their regular diet. Hamster pellets are explicitly designed with all the nutrients your hamster needs to stay healthy.

If you give a hamster a buffet of options, they will likely choose the foods that appeal most to them, leaving the rest to sit or spoil. If your hamster is overeating one thing, it can upset their digestive system or cause nutritional imbalances.

Keeping/Breeding Crickets

Buying crickets at the pet store can get expensive after a while. Instead of continually buying again and again, you can breed crickets yourself. Many resources are online to guide you through the steps to make your own cricket breeding farm.

If you have the time, space, and energy to do so, it might be a more financially beneficial option if you plan to keep up regular feedings. Also, if you have other animals in the home, such as a reptile or an amphibian that eat insects, it can be a double reward!



You can add some yummy, juicy crickets to your hamster’s diet if you haven’t already. Remember, hamsters can enjoy more than just crickets! Try out other popular insects like mealworms, dubia roaches, and other pet store favorites.

If you want to keep or breed crickets, you can set up a mini cricket farm to save money. If not, the pet store always has some of these insects available. Avoid wild caught insects just in case they have come into contact with something harmful for your hamster.

Featured Image Credit: Sophie Sparks Photography, Shutterstock

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